
An Unusual Christmas Wish List...

Yesterday while we were driving to the grocery store, Dylan started talking about music. The conversation went a bit like this...

Dylan: I want to learn to play music, Mom.

Me: Oh yeah? Which instrument do you want to learn to play?

Dylan: The drums. But I need a lot of instruments for Christmas to learn to play.

Me: Which ones?

Dylan: Well, first --- you know --- I need a stage. It doesn't have to be a big stage. I only need a little stage. And then I need 2 guitars, one piano, a drum set. I think I need some microphones and amp-uh-friers, too. May I please have that for Christmas?

Me: That's a lot to ask for. What are you going to do with all that stuff?

Dylan: I need it to play the "Oh No Song" and "O Praise the One".

Me (silently to myself): I guess I need to ask for a sound proof room for Christmas!

Photo of David Crowder Band found here.


Anonymous said...

That is too CUTE!!! Are you sure you want all that NOISE? We could easily contribute to the decimels!!!

Luv, Mom & Dad

Michelle said...

our kids and your kids need for form a new second mile. elliot and brooks can play the egg thingys. :)