An Unusual Christmas Wish List...
Yesterday while we were driving to the grocery store, Dylan started talking about music. The conversation went a bit like this...
Dylan: I want to learn to play music, Mom.
Me: Oh yeah? Which instrument do you want to learn to play?
Dylan: The drums. But I need a lot of instruments for Christmas to learn to play.
Me: Which ones?
Dylan: Well, first --- you know --- I need a stage. It doesn't have to be a big stage. I only need a little stage. And then I need 2 guitars, one piano, a drum set. I think I need some microphones and amp-uh-friers, too. May I please have that for Christmas?
Me: That's a lot to ask for. What are you going to do with all that stuff?
Dylan: I need it to play the "Oh No Song" and "O Praise the One".
Me (silently to myself): I guess I need to ask for a sound proof room for Christmas!
Photo of David Crowder Band found here.