
Shhh... It's a surprise...

Dylan's 4th birthday is only about a month away, and in lieu of a party, we've decided to whisk him away on a surprise mission --- to see a "real" space shuttle!!

For months, he has asked to have a Space Shuttle Birthday, and he has all kinds of space shuttles picked out as gifts he hopes to receive. It finally dawned on us that he would probably be shocked to see how large the real ones are, so the planning began.

For his birthday, we are heading out to Washington, DC to see "Endeavor" on display at the Udvar-Hazy Center near Dulles and from there we'll track our way back to the capital to hang out on the mall for a few days. DC is one of our favorite cities!

The only thing he know is that he's going on a special mission for his birthday which will more than likely involve the riding of an underground subway (another total fascination of his). Perhaps we can capture a snapshot of his reaction to walking into the room with Endeavor staring him in the face...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I know Dylan will be so EXCITED when he sees the space shuttle! I wish we could be there to see his little face light up!!! Luv, Mom