Son Treasure Island Exhaustion...
VBS is over!! We had a wonderful week, but I am completely exhausted and the house needs a little attention. This was Dylan's first year in VBS, and Brooklyn was officially the littlest VBS-er! She and I worked in the nursery... those poor little babies were stretched so far from their normal routines, but they hung in there till the very end. The theme (like 80% of churches around the country) was Son Treasure Island, and I've been dreaming of the Caribbean-like theme music every night... I can't get it out of my head! Dylan's First VBS!
Dylan looked so happy playing with his friends at VBS. I wish Nana was the director of that one!! Good work Janna....keep them going to VBS, they will learn so much just like you did especially about
Love, Mom
"Welcome to our island home, just feel the ocean breeze. We're so glad you came to laugh and play-oh,
hey-oh..." We did VBS in June and I still can't get the songs out of my head!!! Looks like Dylan had a lot of fun. I tell you what... we have the cutest kids in our family.
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