It's My Turn Now...
Okay... Brian had his shot a few weeks ago. Then the LA Tech Band did something to their webpage with the MP3 files, and I couldn't post my song. It's back now, so it's my turn... September is just around the corner, and in this land of Scarlet and Grey "nuts" --- okay, "Buckeyes" --- I have to make my southern bulldog voice heard. So, turn down the volume if you're not for the "Old Red and Blue" and if you are --- well --- sing along!!
Categories: Playlist
The Mommy Wears Payless...
If you're a mother, you know that sometimes you reach a point where you just need to get out of the house --- alone! No kids, no diaper bags, no sippie cups, no goldfish crackers... just you! This has been a long week, and I must have reached that point because Brian came in to the room where I was changing Brooklyn this morning and suggested I take the afternoon off. I didn't hesistate a bit! I got on line and picked out a movie --- one of those mindless, entertaining ones. Then I ran upstairs, threw on my "long" jeans (you know, the kind you have to wear heels with), put on a little gloss, hit the ATM, and headed to the theater. I knew I couldn't be gone too long --- nursing babies have a way of getting very attached --- but I intended to make the most of my time. So, I went to the movies... alone!
For years, my dad has gone to the movies alone. I used to think that was kind of strange, but after my little outing today, I think he's on to something! First of all, you have sole control over what you see. You can pick the stupidest movie or the most thought-provoking one, and it doesn't matter to anyone else. No need to settle for a movie that you would rather rent for $3 in a couple of months. Today I picked a complete "chic flic" --- one I know Brian won't even want to rent! It was a movie that was for entertainment purposes only --- brain not required to enjoy! Secondly, you can eat anything you want to from the concession stand provided you've brought your entire paycheck with you! You can pour butter all over your popcorn or leave it off, mix in the M&M's or eat them separately... whatever you want! Thirdly, you get lots of elbow room. For whatever reason, human tendency is to leave a seat between you and the next person if that person is not "with" you. So, if you're alone, that means an empty seat on either side!
Daddy evidently has known the secret to the theater for years... I only discovered it today, but what a wonderful discovery! I came home relaxed and ready for another week of taking care of my little ones. Thank you Brian for giving me the day "off"!
Oh, by the way, the title to this post should give you a little hint of what movie I saw...
Categories: Little Blessings
I remember when...
Every year on my birthday Mom calls, sings Happy Birthday, and says "I remember when..." She then proceeds to tell me all about the day I was born. I expect it every year, and now it is my turn to "remember when."
Tomorrow is Dylan's 3rd birthday, and you know what --- I remember when! I remember the day he was born as if it were yesterday. It was one of the craziest days of my life. The day before he was born I was scheduled to bring dinner over to some friends who had just had a baby too. It was a Sunday and I wasn't feeling great, so I opted to stay home from church, rest a bit, and then head over to their house later that afternoon. Brian was away on business in San Francisco, and he wasn't scheduled to come home until later that night. I made dinner for my friends and then rested all day. Going into labor was the last thing on my mind since it was a full six weeks before my due date.
That afternoon while resting I started having contractions. I didn't think too much of it because they weren't painful at all and were very inconsistent. I loaded the food into the car and headed off to the Kelleys to drop it off. They lived a good 30-45 minutes away (remember we were in Houston back then and everything was about 30-45 minutes away... even if it were only 3 miles away!). While I was visiting with them, the contractions started to get stronger, and this got my attention --- something was definitely wrong here. I went home (another 30-45 minute drive) and called the midwife. She thought I was probably dehydrated and told me to go on to the hospital. After all, it was mid-August in Houston! Thankfully, Brian had just returned from the airport, so we jumped back in the car and drove another 30-45 minutes to the hospital. On the way to the hospital, a recliner fell out of the truck directly in front of us as we drove down Hwy 290. Somehow we missed hitting it and made it to the hospital safely. For whatever reason, that always sticks out in my mind!
Turns out I wasn't dehydrated at all, but was in full-blown labor. They tried hard to stop it, but God intended for Dylan to join our family that day. The hardest thing was leaving the hospital without him... seeing his tiny little body hooked up to so many monitors, IVs, feeding tubes, and not being able to hold him and feed him anytime we wanted. But that difficult week passed, and three years later, most people would never even guess he spent those first few days under such constant scrutiny.
So... Happy Birthday Dylan! We're so glad you're part of our little family.
Categories: Family Room
Brooklyn, 4 months...
Brooklyn & Bossier, 4 months old
Here's a video of her "moving" and "cooing" --- that's all she does these days!
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Categories: Family Room
Dylan's First Visit to the Dentist...
Dylan made his first official visit to the dentist this morning to have his teeth cleaned. He sat in the chair perfectly still. I couldn't believe how still he actually could be... He is never still around us! He sat up in the chair, opened wide, and let Mrs. Margaret clean his teeth just like a grown-up. Then he let Dr. Moats check out the "snaggle" tooth --- the front tooth that portrudes a bit as a result of a nasty fall last winter. He investigated all of the equipment very carefully--- x-rays, lights, mirrors, those strange sharp and pointy tools, the automatic spinning toothbrushes, the automatic water fountain. He even asked if the drain you spit into was the same drain Nemo went down to get to his Daddy... pretty perceptive, huh! Wish y'all could have seen him. He was such a little "boy" --- no toddler here anymore!
Open wide...
Categories: Family Room
Son Treasure Island Exhaustion...
VBS is over!! We had a wonderful week, but I am completely exhausted and the house needs a little attention. This was Dylan's first year in VBS, and Brooklyn was officially the littlest VBS-er! She and I worked in the nursery... those poor little babies were stretched so far from their normal routines, but they hung in there till the very end. The theme (like 80% of churches around the country) was Son Treasure Island, and I've been dreaming of the Caribbean-like theme music every night... I can't get it out of my head!
Dylan's First VBS!
Categories: Family Room
Aggie War Hymn or LA Tech Fight Song...
So... Brian and I were talking about how to post sound files to my blog the other day. Well, I figured it out (really easy too!), and I decided to post an appropriate mp3 file (Aggie War Hymn) for Brian --- only because I love the man more than ever and married into this spirited university. Turn down the volume if you're not a fan...
It's so good to hear a little familiar music up here in this land of crazy nuts --- aka the Buckeyes! No, they're not crazy, but their mascot is a nut.
Tune in later for my fight song!
Categories: Random