

Selah: Term of unknown meaning appearing in psalms, outside of Psalms only in Habakkuk 3. Scholars have advanced various unprovable theories: a pause either for silence or musical interlude, a signal for the congregation to sing, recite, or fall prostrate on the ground, a cue for the cymbals to crash, a word to be shouted by the congregation, a sign to the choir to sing a higher pitch or louder.

For a period of time, I have decided to take a break from this blog. There are a number of things preciptating this decision... none which I will enumerate here. But I do hope to return as soon as possible... and with images to share with you from Uganda.

In the meantime, I will still be keeping up on Facebook.

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Anonymous said...

Sayang! I'll miss this contact but can certainly undertand the need for a break during these upcoming weeks. By the way, what is Facebook? (Now that shows my lack of knowledge in the trends of today!)

Blessings on your preparations for Uganda, both physically and spiritually.


Anonymous said...

i'm so sad that you're taking a break, but i know that blogging can take up a lot of time. my compensation will be that i get to work side-by-side with you in Uganda. only a month to go....!

Anonymous said...

I will miss your blog too! I hope you enjoy your break from posting!

-Jennifer M.

FromAfarPark said...

We miss your blog! We always enjoy looking at it! We love seeing the kids and sharing in your life in a small way. Will you come back soon? :)
